"A good setup for fast and smooth implementation"

"A good setup for fast and smooth implementation"


PowerCell Group is a publicly listed company that develops, designs, and manufactures hydrogen fuel cells and fuel cell systems. With years of experience, they contribute to an emission-free and more sustainable future by helping their customers achieve net-zero emissions today. PowerCell has over 100 employees, and in 2023, they were listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. Listen to Oscar Hamréus from PowerCell Group talk about their experience with Visslan and the importance of a correct yet simple whistleblower solution.

Why is whistleblowing and a Speak Up culture important to you?

"It is incredibly important for us, especially as a publicly traded company, that there are anonymous channels to communicate any misconduct. This applies regardless of one's role, whether an employee, shareholder, or other." says Oscar Hamréus. "We chose to implement a whistleblower function as it is a hygiene factor for a publicly traded company to have such a communication channel." he continues.

Did you have any specific requirements for your whistleblower solution?

One of the requirements was that the system should comply with current legislation, Oscar explains. He also emphasizes that it was a requirement for the system to be easy for both whistleblowers and recipients.

How has Visslan been helpful?

"We contacted Visslan, who helped us with the system, necessary documents and policies, as well as legal experts as recipients for reports." says Oscar. Oscar found the process of implementing Visslan to be "very smooth and easy" with "very good dialogue throughout."

PowerCell, like many of Visslan's clients, has external case handling in its whistleblower channel to ensure that whistleblower cases are handled independently and legally secure. This means that all cases reported in PowerCell Group's channel go through Lindahl Law Firm, whose lawyers make an initial assessment of the incoming case.

"The whistleblower channel has been used" Oscar explains, "although that particular occasion was not deemed a whistleblower case in a legal sense" he continues. "However, the support from the lawyers in this case was appreciated."

Would you like to say anything to companies just starting to implement their whistleblower solution?

"Visslan has both a good, cost-effective system and a good setup for fast and smooth implementation."

Questions about the blog post or whistleblowing?
We are happy to help. Contact us for a free consultation, trial period or more information. You can also try Visslan for free for 14 days.

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